Dirty Old Man
Johnny's signature

An old man stood on the corner and watched some young folks come his way.They had youthful smilin faces, And it prompted that old man to say, ‘Howdy, kids. How ya been doin’? Geez it sure is a hell of a day.’ They just stared, looked him up and down and walked on along the way.The old man shook his head and passed his fingers thru his hair so gray. And as those kids walked down the street, I thought I heard the old man say…..

been around for 80 summers, some were winners and some were bummers, I’ve loved’em all.

Once I was young and full of fun like you, I had a million dreams and some came true, you can’t win em all.
Now I’m old and tired, bent and busted, gray and wrinkled and I can’t be trusted. Just a dirty old man.

as I look back on the younger years, you shared your hopes and you shared your fears, Yes I made that scene.
Parents, never understood and I guess that I felt that they never would, do you know what I mean?


Well, I’ve done some livin’ in this live of mine,I’ve laughed and loved in the summertime, I remember it well.
well there was lips to kiss, and hands to hold. and I never thought I would get very old. andlook at here I am. Here I’m ….. chorus

and you, you wait 50 years or so, you’ll be standing on the corner with no place to go, just a lookin’ around, and some young folks’ll pass you by, don’t say hello, don’t even wave hi, they’ll only put you down.

look at me just a dirty old man