
Enchanteé mon mon cherrie
‘At’s what they say in Ol’Parií
Enchanteé mon mon amour
The sounds of it says love to her

Enchanteé Madammoiselle
Je suis tu parlez en francais
But not too very well
Just enough to say I love you

An enfrancais just for a day
Just so I might say
Vous le vous couchet avec moi s’sois
With me and you and I’d agree

Enchanteé mon mon cherrie
At’s what they say in ol’Parií
Enchanteé mon mon amour
The sound of it says love to her

Enchanteé Madamoiselle
Je suis tu parlez enfrancais
But not too very well
Just enough to say I love you

J’taime Amour . . . J’taime amour . . . At’s what they say in Ol’Parií

Words & Music by:(Johnny) Derek Watson ©