(Vocals start @ 0:20 sec [ish] ) I was standing by my window
On a cold and cloudy day
When I saw the hearse come rolling
For to carry my Mama away.

(Chorus) Will the circle be unbroken
By and by Lord, by and by
There’s a better home awaiting
In the sky Lord, in the sky (1:01 ish)

Lord I told that undertaker, undertaker
[Won’t you] please drive slow
For that lady you are haulin’
Lord, I hate to see her go.

Oh, I followed close behind her
Tried to hold up and be brave
But I could not hide my sorrow
When they laid her in the grave

I went back home, my home was lonesome
Missed my mother, she was gone
All of my brothers, sisters crying
What a home so sad and lone

(Chorus, then tag) – There’s a better home awaiting
In the sky Lord, in the sky…